Our Work With Le Gray, Beirut

We had the pleasure of working with Le Gray Beirut, a luxury hotel in the Lebanese Capital, and a member of ‘The Leading Hotels of The World’.


Our primary aims were to introduce Le Gray to European markets, generate direct bookings, and manage all aspects of paid and organic social media for the hotel.

As a summary of our strategy to achieve these objectives, we: posted every single day to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; utilised Instagram stories; worked with popular social media pages, ran paid campaigns, provided engagement and community management tasks, created content, and provided monthly reports.

There are three main ways to introduce a brand to certain markets using social media.

Firstly, your content has to be suitable to the audience you are targeting. For example, if you are targeting New York, make sure you use American-English and don’t forget to post about key American holidays. While hashtags must always be relevant to the post in question, they can also play a part in specific targeting.
The most powerful one is to set up efficient paid campaigns. These will allow you to target specific cities, demographics, and target via behavioural traits and interests, which were particularly relevant here.
Finally, influencers and prominent social media pages will allow you to get targeted exposure to a specific market when managed correctly.

In a nutshell, if all elements of your social strategy are correctly set up, bookings will be encouraged both directly and indirectly. Our work with influencers, paid campaigns, organic posts and activity, combined to generate six-figures of website traffic each month, in addition to hundreds of clicks from Instagram stories, and hundreds of bio clicks via Instagram, each week

At the end of the 6-month period, our team compiled a report detailing the impacts of the work, using analytics from our preferred insights system, and also from the social channels directly.

The three key objectives were achieved successfully; with the demographic split now correctly skewed towards a shortlist of target European countries and cities. We had generated excessive targeted website traffic. The branding of the social pages had been improved, and followers had grown by hundreds each month to surpass 10,000 on Instagram (and many more on Facebook) after a couple of months. This meant we got multiple requests each week to book either at the hotel, or at one of their amazing restaurants or bars, helping to produce an estimated 400% positive ROI.

We loved working with the wonderful team at this amazing hotel and are happy to have contributed towards their social media success. While the hotel currently sits closed due to events in Beirut, we look forward to seeing the hotel re-open in the near future.

Thank you for reading.

Founders Media