Founders Media

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Our Work With Chameleon Safaris, Namibia

We have the pleasure of working with Chameleon Safaris Namibia, showcasing the beauty of this staggering country through social media.

We were introduced to Chameleon Safaris Namibia, a safari company based in Windhoek, Namibia, via our ‘brand page’, Namibia Travel.

In 2023, we were appointed to manage Chameleon’s Instagram and Facebook pages, with the aim of generating leads, while showcasing the breathtaking beauty of Namibia.

Our strategy includes regular posts and stories (with approval process in place), managing competitions, community management of both channels 7 days per week, small paid social media campaigns, full reporting, sourcing potential partnerships with influencers, and more.

Our offering was put forward with the aim of providing a complete social media management offering, whilst remaining on-budget, and generating new business for Chameleon Safaris.

Namibia is a fascinating country, full of history, unbelievable landscapes, and amazing wildlife. 

Through our content pillars, we aim to convey the wonder of Namibia, alongside the Chameleon team, and the experience of enjoying a safari with them.

Throughout our first year of working with the lovely team at Chameleon, we managed to achieve the following results, amongst others:

  • 1.4 million organic impressions on Facebook (a 258% increase, with approximately 7,000 followers).

  • 1.08 million organic impressions on Instagram (a 698% increase, with approximately 3,000 followers).

  • A 1853% increase in Instagram likes.

  • A 2020% increase in reel engagements.

  • An 840% increase in average daily reach.

  • 104% increase in organic website traffic.

  • 189% increase in video/reel views.

  • An average of 1 organic lead per week, many of which converted into bookings, offering a positive ROI on Chameleon’s investment with Founders Media.

Below is a graph depicting consistent Instagram growth, generated using mostly organic social media management:

Below is how Chameleon’s Instagram page looked before we began working together:

Subsequently, the below image depicts the page recently, after we implemented a more visual-focus:

We source, create, and post reels to reach a significant audience far greater than the page’s follower count.

One of our core aims as a service provider is to be continually pro-active, and continually seek ways which results can be improved.

In order to take Chameleon’s social media to the next level, our team is working hard to source relevant, productive influencers who are visiting Namibia, who can help generate new content, and who will offer relevant, significant reach. 

Whilst we have sourced and created content to capitalise on trends and generate significant reach, social media content is a continual challenge - it is like a bucket of water with a hole in the bottom - there can always be more, better content, which we strive to produce.

It is our great pleasure working with the wonderful team at Chameleon Safaris, and discovering a beautiful country in the process.

Discover Chameleon Safaris here, and their Instagram page, here.

Contact us regarding our social media management services, here.

Thank you for reading.